Here you will find information about our vegan leather materials, which come from natural and sustainable sources. Our range includes a diverse selection of vegan leathers made from cork, pineapple, cactus and grapes.

Aus Korkrinden wird Korkstoff hergestellt. Die perfekte Alternative zu Leder.

Cork leather

Cork leather is obtained from the bark of the cork oak and impresses with its lightness, suppleness and durability. The use of cork not only utilizes a renewable raw material, but also the unique properties of this material.

More information about our cork leather
Aus Kakteen entsteht Kaktusleder als Meterware. Nachhaltig und tierfrei.

Cactus leather

Cactus leather is made from the prickly pear cactus, which means no plant is harmed and the sustainable use of resources is ensured. The use of solar energy during the drying process further contributes to environmentally friendly production.

More information about our cactus leather
Aus Traubenresten entsteht Traubenleder als Meterware

Grape leather

Grape leather, also known as wine leather, is obtained from the leftovers of wine production and is characterized by its softness and suppleness. By recycling grape residues, a waste product is converted into a high-quality material.

More information about our grape leather

Pineapple leather

Finally, we have pineapple leather, which is made from the leaves of the pineapple plant. This innovative material is not only sustainable, but also extremely versatile.

More information about our pineapple leather

Our vegan leather materials offer an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional leather and impress with their quality, aesthetics and sustainability. Find out more about our offer and the variety of vegan leather materials.